Claire and Beryl were on the organizing committee 克莱尔和贝丽尔是组委会成员。
Officials from the Beijing Olympics organizing committee saw the show and were excited. 北京奥组委的官员看到了这期节目,感到非常兴奋。
He got the nod from the organizing committee to give the keynote speech at the conference. 他被组织委员会选为做会议的主题演讲。
How many departments has the Guangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee set up? 广州亚组委目前共设立了多少个部门?
B: Usually, the organizing committee should have a regular meeting every two weeks. 组委会通常是每两个礼拜开一次例会。
The welcoming reception of the29 th Olympic Games Organizing Committee now begins. 第29届奥运会组委会欢迎招待会现在开始。
You should set up an organizing committee first. 你们首先应该成立一个组织委员会。
Beijing International Racing Festival Organizing Committee and was selected for the Beijing International Festival designated oil. 并被北京国际赛车节组委会选定为北京国际赛车节指定用油。
And won the organizing committee to issue "the cross-strait key support Internet unit" board. 并荣获组委会颁发的“海峡两岸重点支持互联网单位”牌匾。
Our organizing committee has brought together a group of well known speakers who have excellent teaching and presentation skills. 我们的组委会已经汇集了一组众所周知的发言者有优秀的教学和演示技能。
On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to express our warm welcome to all participants. 我谨代表组委会对所有参加者表示热烈的欢迎!
China Organizing Committee for the Fourth World Conference on Women 第四次妇女问题世界会议中国组织委员会
A: Or, we may also ask the Organizing Committee ''s office. 或者,我们也可以问问组委会办公室嘛。
Please contact the Organizing Committee for business cooperation or other requests. 如有赞助意向或其它要求请与组委会联系。
The Organizing Committee will reserve the right to adjust booths to guarantee the integral effect. 为保证展会整体布局效果,组委会保留对展位位置进行适当调整的权利。
Organizing Committee of China Expo is under preparing in order professionally. 中国世博会组委会正非常专业和有序地进行着筹备工作。
Any requests for access or amendment can be made by contacting the organizing committee. 如需查询或修改您的资料,请联系组委会。
Any requests for booking hotel, please contact organizing committee in advance. 如需订宾馆房间请提前与组委会联系。
At its first meeting, the leaders of the organizing committee should give a talk on the working policy and guiding principles. 在第一次会议上,组委会的领导应该谈一谈工作方针和指导原则。
Organizing committee has the ultimate power of interpretation. 大赛组委会拥有对活动的最终解释权。
He is a member of the Organizing Committee for the conference. 他是大会组织委员会的成员之一。
The Local Organizing Committee was chaired by Prof Jianfa Shen in the Department of Geography and Resource Management. 是次国际会议由地理与资源管理学系沈建法教授担任组织委员会主席。
Represent organizing committee of Beijing Science and Technology Week, let me introduce some information to everyone here. 下面,我代表北京科技周组委会向各位领导介绍一下有关情况。
All rights reserved by the Organizing Committee of "FLTRP Cup" National English Debating Competition. 本章程的最终解释权归“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛组委会所有。
For further information, please contact Organizing Committee of OICA China Forum. 未尽事宜请与OICA中国论坛组委会联系。
The organizing committee reserves the right to final interpretation of the rights and interests above. 赛事组委会对上述权益保有最终的解释权。
I accept the life accident insurance and medical insurance Organizing Committee insured for me. 我接受组委会为本人办理的人身意外险和医疗险。
The organizing committee will arrange one-one service ahead of time for exhibitors to meet purchasers. 招商部安排专员提供一对一的展前预约服务,为参展厂商提前约定买家。
Director of the organizing committee's sports department, made the announcement Tuesday in Beijing. 组委会运动项目负责人星期二做出了以上的宣布。